Membership of an awesome club with some awesomely proactive members :-)
Your Digital Membership Card will be available in the Wizzy Events App
Option to join in the banter in our Closed Facebook group
Option to be allocated an Motorsport UK Safety and Medical Frequency (81) "Maverick" Call Sign (Radio qualified personnel only) the Ofcom £5/year fee will be included in your membership
Inclusion in the club's Ofcom Licence for various other frequencies (usually programmed into Motorsport UK Radios or used in PMRs)
Inclusion in the invited clubs section of Regs of many events by Membership of Regional Associations ANWCC AWMMC WAMC
Your application for membership is reviewed by a panel, if you don't meet our criteria we may ask you more questions or may reject your application
The Club reserves the right to refuse applications for membership and to revoke membership if necessary
We want Quality Members not Quantity :-)
All memberships expire at the end of December of the year displayed on your membership card